
A man is valued by his works, not his words!

我为什么翻译《程序员度量》—— 不以团队建设为目的的度量都是耍流氓



又记得当年做team leader时,部门里实行TPE(Team Performance Evaluation)政策,定好诸多KPI,如完成的story points,支持其他团队次数,bug数量,bug修改时间,是否正确填写各种报表等等,每个迭代周期结束后,由分管的各种manager或owner打分,加权计算,最后得出一张团队绩效排名表,前三名给予奖励,而排在后面的总是工作在愧疚与难堪当中,不幸的是,我们组总是在这样的难堪中。我不敢妄加评论其好坏,只是在我们团队决心参与这场得分游戏后,我们连续获得了靠前的排名,但团队能力水平并没有因此而得到真正的提高,反而我有一种参与了这种斤斤计较的得分游戏的愧疚。

后来成为研发经理,对程序员度量这种事情更加萦绕在脑中,我一直很纠结于TPE给我带来的种种疑惑,曾带着问题请教过各路“大师“,也曾在社区活动中将这个话题提交到open space中与同行探讨,但结果总是不尽如人意,不是强调从人性的角度,提倡self management,就是从管理学的角度给我制定更多的KPI。

带着疑问和不解,经朋友介绍,看到了Codermetrics: Analytics for Improving Software Teams,我不能说这是一副包治百病的灵丹妙药,但是,多少帮助我澄清了心头的一些疑惑。看过《点球成金》(moneyball)这部电影的朋友可能会记得,当运动家队的总经理Bill因为资金的问题而陷入困境时,真正帮助他走出困境,走向巅峰的,不是哪个大牌球员,而是一个小小的数据分析员。他们认为一个出色的球队在哪些位置需要什么样的球员,定好球队的profile,然后从二线球员中,完全可以找出满足这个条件的球员,充实团队的profile,再根据数据做出相应调整,从而使球队获得了巨大成功。

《程序员度量:改善软件团队的分析学》 这本书无异于是软件开发行业中的《点球成金》,作者认为,软件开发同样如此,我们的目标是打造成功的团队,而不是blame某一个程序员的绩效表现。确定好这样的目标之后,围绕团队和组织的目标,我们知道成功的团队模型应该是怎么样的,这可以从已知成功的团队中抽象出来,由此选择需要的程序员个体进入这样的团队,适当做出调整,打造成功的团队。作者同样在书中,对团队成功从不同的维度进行度量,以确定度量指标。


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  • 学习如何通过程序员度量改变长期以来的假设,并且改善团队动态。
  • 获得将程序员度量集成到现有流程的建议。
  • 提出正确的问题来确定软件开发管理者需要收集的数据类型。
  • 使用度量来测量一段之间之后的程序员个体的技能和团队效率。
  • 确定每个程序员对团队所作的贡献。
  • 分析对所开发的软件及其特性的响应,并且验证是否正朝着团队和组织目标而努力。
  • 建设更好的团队,通过使用程序员度量来进行人员调整和补充。




  • 激励者,那些可真正激励团队,有助于凝聚团队的人,是团队的助推剂。
  • 得分手,那些面对棘手难题,攻关能够迎上的人,攻克开发过程中的难题,在产品的实现中有较多产出的人。
  • 防守专家,那些可以有助于保护团队免受外界干扰的人,如测试人员等,因为他们减少了团队bug的输出,从这个意义上来讲也是一个很好的防守。
  • 全能队员,那些什么都可以做的蓝领们,哪里需要哪里搬,多能就是他们最擅长的事,不管是让他去做代码的编写,特性的测试,还是技术支持,他们都能做,我是团队一块砖,哪里需要哪里搬。





Coderetreat: Programming Game of Life Under 'No Conditional Expression' Restriction

If you search this topic with “coderetreat”, “no if” or “no conditional expression” keywords, and if you are in coderetreat event right now, I suggest you close this topic, and after you finish the session, than open it again, and compare with your implementation, or comments your better implementation here.

I have facilitated several coderetreat events, not master it, but experienced. When in the session with rule No conditional expression allowed, most of people will blame me why we have such restriction, or tell me WTF it’s impossiable if we programming in C language. Minutes later, someone would ask me, shall we use “while loop” or “for loop”instead of “if”, but I always say no. And later, someone told me that programming in OO polymorphism can be done, but how in C?

So how, is there any trick, I can only say don’t know, but here I can give a sample of how to resolve the major logic of “Conway’s Game of Life”, rules of the game is:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

So we can understand the next generation state will be based on two factors: current generation state (live or dead) and live neighours amount. We can define a two-dimensional array like below diagram illustrates:

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The first row means current generation state is dead (0), for corresponding live neighbours amount, the next generation state of this cell shall be what (The value of array defined); similar, the second row means current generation state is live (1), for correspding live neighbours amount, the next generation state is defined as the value of array. The formula is: rule_map[current state][live neighbours amount - 1] = next generation state, for example, if current cell’s state is dead, and it has 3 live neighbours, the result will be rule_map[0][3-1] = 1. The pseudocode shall be like this:

 /0 means dead, 1 means live/
 int rule_map[][] = {
     {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
     {0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

 int next_state(int cur_state, int neighbours)
     return rule_map[cur_state][neighbours - 1];

So how to calculate the live neighbours amount of specific cell? Please you make a post for it. I’m not going to clarify everything here, or you can comment below. Have fun. :\

Team Gathering Game

There is a team gathering game what I learned from Shanghai Scrum Gathering in 2011, there was one facilitator from Taiwan shared to us, and I always play it with my trainee and team members.

The rule of the game:

  • All members stand as matrix (row*coloumn), the lines like we did physical exercise in childhood, you can stretch your arm, but cannot touch another person who closes to you.
  • Facilitator asks all member close eyes, and from now on to the end, every attendee shall keep their eyes closed.
  • Facilitator asks every select a number in their heart, everyone keep one number, do not tell the number to any one now. (for example, if there are 100 attendees, facilitator can ask attendee select one number between 1 and 100).
  • Facilitator give an instruction: “please turn around, and stretch your hand, try to touch another person who closed to you”
  • Attendee share the number to another, and hand in hand, try to group more people, but shall be keep the number in order
  • Once all attendee are in an ordered group or time out, facilitator asks attendee open their eyes.

What we learn from this game:

  • There must be someone will stand out from chaos, and give some instruction to others
  • If there is no hand hold with you, you will be feel unsafe
  • The one tell you the order is clockwise or anticlockwise, but the final order is follow the basic small group, the team culture can be bred.
  • Every one has same goal
  • Small team will follow bigger team
  • Give team a clearly goal and rules, team can be self-organized

Definitely, this game is funny, if you like this, you can copy this way, and play it with your members.